
Prior to any treatment, we consult with each patient to understand the issues being presented, evaluate the current situation, and develop a treatment plan. This process may include x-rays, physical examination, medical history, and a 30-minute consultation. Since each patient and situation is different, each treatment plan is uniquely designed. We provide services in chiropractic, massage therapy, and digestive/nutrition health.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic is a health care discipline which focuses on the inherent restorative power of the body to heal itself without the help of drugs and surgery.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy focuses on manipulating the soft tissues like muscles, tendons, and ligaments by improving circulation and blood flow that warms these soft tissues, causing them to loosen and relax.

Digestive/Nutritional Health

There is an unmistakable connection between the importance of proper digestion and the occurrence of many recurring and nagging health complaints such as allergies, migraine headaches, and digestive disorders.